These Pokémon crystal mystery boxes have a mixture of high quality Pokémon figurine carvings in a variety of different crystal types.
$70 Box - 2x Pokemon Figurines (Valued up to $112)
$100 Box - 3x Pokemon Figurines (Valued up to $168)
$150 Box - 4x Pokemon Figurines (Valued up to $224)
$210 Box - 6x Pokemon Figurines (Valued up to $336)
The current Pokémon we have in stock that could be included in your mystery box is,
- Bulbasaur
- Charmander
- Chikorita
- Diglett
- Ditto
- Dragonair
- Ekans
- Lickitung
- Mew
- Poliwhirl
- Poliwrath
- Slowbro
- Snorlax
- Squirtle
- Treecko
- Vaporeon